August 19th, 2007

La la la Lobby

A lovely customer, Dey Kyper, recently gifted me with an equally lovely book, Alberto Pinto Classics This man is a designer for the uber-rich: royalty, heads of state and such. Raised in Casablanca, his designing reflects his Moroccan roots along with an amalgamation of British Chic, French elegance and American rationalism. OK that last sentence was lifted right from the book jacket, but this book is scrumptious. I’ll share more later, but right now I need to show what idea I am planning on taking from Alberto and translating to my new lobby walls.

Alberto Pinto Wall Inspiration

We won’t do this exact design, of course, but there WILL be an overscaled, ornate pattern on the walls over a Coccio Pesto plaster finish. Coccio Pesto is an Italian lime plaster that contains small bits of terra cotta that get crushed in to the burnished plaster, providing a slightly pinky cast if left untinted. Linda Self, from the School of Italian Plasters will be coming in and we will actually be doing a hands on class while completing the walls. More on “Operation Decoration” and our “Up Against the Wall Workshops”  later on this blog channel.

4 Responses to “La la la Lobby”

  1. Mélanie Says:

    I’ve just found your blog and I love it . It is so funny that the post today is about Alberto PInto , one of my favorite designer . He has made some design for P . frey Fabrics and they are just wonderful . I love to use them in some mediterranean houses.
    I will be back soon.

  2. Nancy Hesketh Says:

    Hi Melanie

    I am a trained applicator from the school of Italian plaster.I received my certif. in May of 2006 in Atlanta. Under the instruction of Shayna & James. I am interested in the “operation decoration”.I have been working with my brother Michael for a year. We have finished jobs in Wash. DC and Baltimore.The finishes were a Texture stucco Veniziano,& Rasa Calce.Please let me know the 411 on this project or where I can read about it.
    Thank You Nancy

  3. Melanie Says:

    Melanie-It sounds like such a wonderful life and business that you have with your family in France! I LOVE the photos in your galleries.

    Nancy-We are still working out all the details and schedules. I am really hoping to get that accomplished this coming week and will post info to the blog and send out to our email lists. Thank you for your interest!


  4. Designamour » Blog Archive » Pretty Coccio Pesto! Says:

    [...] In my La la la Lobby post I shared the inspiration photo for our new lobby walls. After conferring with Linda Self from the School of Italian Plasters, we came up with a cool technique using an Italian lime plaster, Coccio Pesto, that REALLY captures the look. Lucky me, I have even maneuvered Linda into coming here to teach a class on how to actually DO this on a wall-with the help of a small group of students. [...]
